College comes with many perks. From the newfound freedom to a new environment to new friends, many people find their years at a college the four best years of life. One of the hardest parts about going to college is that you finally have to start cooking for yourself on a regular basis, so here are seven moods accompanied by corgi reactions to help you feel better.
1. Fear
Even just entering the kitchen itself can seem intimidating in the beginning, and you’re scared that every knife you touch will cut you and that every pot you use will set on fire somehow.
2. Surprise
Was that just the floor above you dropping something heavy or did your oven just set on fire? Both seem equally likely with the way that you’re cooking.
3. Pride
On rare occasions, the meal you make actually turns out exactly the way you want it to, but even better. This usually results in 100000 Snapchats and pictures to all of your friends, family, first cousins, friend’s friends, barbers, teachers, and the rest of the world.
You made something good - therefore everyone has to see it.
4. Resourcefulness
You’ll find yourself attending every free food event there is on campus, just to be able to take home part of the food and use as a side for a future meal. You learn to bring Tupperware every time you go to the dining hall and to not be ashamed about it. College students are low on funds, and we must do anything we can to save money.
5. Acceptance
You’ll have random waves of motivation to eat healthier, invest in your food, and live a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately, these waves usually last about a week, and after that, you go back to the ramen - pasta - takeout cycle that is your usual food selection. After a while, you finally accept this lower standard of living, and there is no shame.
6. Adaptability
Since you’re usually cooking just for yourself in college, a lot of online recipes aren’t very feasible because you can never finish using all the ingredients you buy. A recipe may call for a teaspoon of vanilla extract, but the only size that the store sells them in is a 3 ounce bottle. As a result, you’ve learned to substitute foods and seasonings and accept a whole new taste of certain dishes. Have ramen soup leftovers but no ramen noodles? Pasta noodles will have to do.
7. Happiness
At the end of the day, cooking is a lot more fun with more people. When there are three people helping each other out in the kitchen while catching up on one another’s lives, life is good. Plus, there’s always someone else to blame when the food comes out burnt or mediocre!