I have been to a fair share of concerts. In the last year, I have been to seven and counting. The same things annoyed me at all of these shows. I am sure my fellow concert-goers can attest to these seven concert dont's.
1. Don't Leave Your Hair Untamed
Nothing is worse than having someone else's hair on you. It is almost even more irritating to have someone hit you in the face with their hair. If you've got rather long hair, it is going to get stuck to the people around you especially if your'e whipping it around. That is just gross. Put it in a bun or something.
2. Don't Use Your Flash
Not only is it rude to the performer, it is probably ticking everyone around you off, as well. It in people's eyes and its messing up other people's pictures... which leads me to number three...
3. Don't Record The Entire Show
We get it, you want some pictures and maybe you want a few videos. But when you never put your phone down, it becomes a problem.
4. Don't Block Other People's View
Some of us are not as blessed when it comes to height. So to all of the folks 5'8 and above, some of us are barely tall enough to see over the barricade, much less you. Be courteous.
5. Don't Yell Out Song Requests
The setlist is almost always predetermined. Yelling out songs you want to hear probably isn't going to make a difference.
6. Don't Complain About Space
No one in the crowd has any personal space. You all in the same boat. If you want space, go to the back of the crowd. With that being said, don't be the person to purposely smother people in hopes of getting two inches closer to the stage.
7. Don't Chant
This is the most annoying thing to me, personally. There is a schedule they are running on. The band will not come out just because the crowd is chanting their name. In addition, they plan an encore. They are going to come back out on stage to do their most popular songs whether you scream at the top of your lungs or not.