It's no secret that some characters are meant for the spotlight while others are not. However, sometimes these characters flying under the radar are some high-quality individuals. The story would just be incomplete without their presence. This week, I'm taking a moment to shout out 7 underrated TV and movie characters that definitely don't get the love they deserve.
1. Brian from The Breakfast Club
Not only does Brian end up doing all of the work, he's the only one that ends up without a companion. Don't get me wrong, I love the other characters, but Brian is the sweetest, most caring of all of them, and he gets the least amount of love in return. Also, he opens people's eyes to just how much pressure is put on high-achieving students to be perfect all the time. So much love for the nerd in the green sweater.
2. Detective Fin from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Not to discredit the goddess that is Olivia Benson, but Fin goes so unnoticed. He's been on the show almost as long as Benson, and he is such a quality person. He minds his business, has his team's back at all times, and has so much sass for the suspects. He brings so much to SVU, and he makes my day every time I watch it.
3. Clinger from M*A*S*H
Maxwell Q. Clinger is the most extra character on this entire show, and no one can tell me otherwise. Those of you who have seen it know it would be a completely different show if there wasn't a guy walking around in evening gowns all the time.
4. Madge Undersee, the Mayor's daughter from The Hunger Games
A character so underrated she DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT TO THE MOVIE ADAPTION. If you only watched the movies, then you have no idea who I'm talking about. If you read the books, you know this girl was the only real female friend Katniss had from home, her aunt was a victim of the Hunger Games, and she made Katniss jealous when she started getting close to Gale, which starts Katniss's great debate over whether to be with Gale or Peeta. The fact that she was cut out from the movie was almost as frustrating as Peeta not losing his leg.
5. Bethany Byrd from Mean Girls
In a movie about female perfection, this girl and her random awkward comments is so refreshing. Her one-liners keep us on our toes, and the movie just wouldn't be right without her in it.
The Maestro from Phantom of the Opera
I'm convinced this man is made of nothing but sass and exquisite conducting. He's a very minor character but his facial expressions really bring something special to a lot of the scenes. Any time his part is coming up I know I'm going to chuckle.
Chien-Po from Mulan
One of his lines is "I couldn't care less what she'll wear or what she looks like, it all depends on what she cooks like." He's definitely the type of guy you can go bumming to Taco Bell with at 2am. What kind of girl wouldn't want a guy like Chien-Po?