Although every student does attempt to pay attention during class, no one can really focus for that amount of time. After about 10, ok, five minutes, students' minds begin to wonder. Here's what typically runs through a student's mind as they struggle through a lecture:
1. How much more time in this lecture?
I swear time moves slower during a lecture than any other time of day.
2. I should have gotten coffee before class.
SOS, in so much need of caffeine.
3. Wait what just happened?
I swear if you check your phone for one second you miss everything.
4. Should I go to the gym after this or nap?
A constant internal debate usually answered with NAP!!
5. Ok seriously what is this teacher talking about?
6. Would anyone notice if I fell asleep?
Maybe if I just close my eyes for a second...
7. What does this have to do with my major?
I will never, never need to know how to do calculus in my field.