The typical college student comes in many forms. From the sports players, to the ones up all night studying, to the ones that are involved in every on campus activity, you can tell the difference between college students and everyone else with just a glimpse.
1. You Show Up to Class in Your Pajamas, And No One Laughs at You
2. Sleeping in 5 Extra Minutes Means 45 Extra Minutes of Traffic
3. Your Professors Cancel Class Because They Don’t Like Rain
4. You Pull an All-Nighter Studying for an Exam, Just to Find Out It’s Cancelled
5. You’re Tired 24/7 and You Take Naps Whenever Possible
6. You Would Rather Let the Anxiety of All the Homework You Have To Do Pile Up, Than Do It Over The Weekend
7. Even After All of This, You Wouldn’t Give Up Any of It