Summer is a beautiful time, especially for college students. Whether we are spending our summers at home, vacationing, working or taking summer classes, simply being on a different schedule is refreshing. Not all of us live in the same area as our university, or in the same vicinity as our friends. It's weird to go from spending every moment with a group of people to possibly going months without them.
1. "I have so much to tell you when we're together."
Even though conversations are constant between your friends, some stories are just too big for a text. You are guaranteed to spend the first week back together just rehashing things that happened over the summer.
2. "Who am I supposed to hang out with?"
We should try to branch out with other friends, but I feel the same way. Obviously we choose to spend time together during the school year, so what are we supposed to do once we are separated?
3. "I can't wait until school starts."
While this statement is a big one, I think a lot of friends can agree to wanting to be back on campus, as long as classes hold off for a bit. This is especially true if you are roommates or apartment-mates with your friend(s) and are just so excited to decorate your new space together.
4. "Can we not let our Snapchat streak end?"
Even though the value of a friendship cannot be defined from the number of days you send and receive snaps of each other, it's definitely a good way to make sure you talk (or look at each other) daily.
5. "But for real, come see me."
We all wish we had unlimited free time and funds to fly around the country to visit each other, especially the ones in those beach towns.
6. "Thank you for the 55 group messages, guys."
It may drain your battery, but seeing your phone light up with tons of texts and memes from your friends is the best way to stay connected and know they're thinking of you.
7. "I miss you."
Probably the most-said phrase among separated friends, but missing each other will only allow for an even better reunion. Plus, we may wish for that time apart once we're back in each other's space in a few months.