Two words. Nine letters. Say it and a majority of girls and boys will get chills.
For all of you familiar with the show "Gossip Girl" you are aware of the burning entity that is Chuck Bass. Girls want to date a man just like him and boys want to be a man just like him...or you want to punch him in the face. Either way for six seasons that character has made an impact one way or another.
We've all been here before. Whether it be his charming good looks, manipulative personality, raspy voice or tailored suits...Chuck Bass is a force that cannot be reckoned with.
We should learn from Mr. Bass. He is confident, knows what he wants, and will do whatever he can to get it. I've got some quotes for all of you to remind yourself that you, my friends, have the potential to be as completely badass as Chuck Bass.
1. "Jealousy is a powerful emotion. I had to create a monster if I was going to dethrone a queen."
...or king.
2. "In the face of true love, you don’t just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to."
3. "Why settle for some bar in a hotel when you can just buy the hotel?"
4. "The word is "yes," I say it at anything. If an opportunity presents itself I take it. There’s nothing I won’t try once. Even happiness."
5. "Don’t give up. Or your own fact will be someone else’s fiction."
6. "People like me don't write books. We're written about."
7. "We don’t need tickets...I’m Chuck Bass."
(replace Chuck Bass with your name)
You too can be totally badass for just being yourself. Use these quotes as a guide, as motivation, or as a remembrance of a great man. But always remember to take his advice cause after all...he's Chuck Bass.
XOXO Gossip Girl.