Spring break is upon us once again, and if you're a semi-broke college kid such as myself, the idea of spending a lot of money in order to have a memorable break makes you cringe. Here are some ideas of reasonably cheap activities you can do during your week off:
1. Go on a road trip
Grab some pals and spend the day in a different town, or maybe even a different state. Make pit-stops at random gas stations and stock up on cheap, unhealthy food and don't forget to take plenty of pics throughout the journey to remember it by.
2. Explore your town
Can't afford to spend much on gas? No problem. You can also do some exploring in your own backyard by going for a walk through your town. Who knows, you may even discover your new favorite boutique or coffee shop that you've never even noticed was there before.
3. Go on a coffee date with a friend
Speaking of coffee shops, you can also meet up with a friend you haven't seen in a while, or maybe even a new friend you don't know very well, and catch up over a cup-of-joe.
4. Read a good book
Take advantage of your time off of school and do some "fun" reading for a change. I suggest reading good ol' classics like the Harry Potterseries, or even going to your local library and picking up the latest popular book on the shelf.
5. Go on a hike
Whether with a group of friends or even by yourself, take some time to go outside and enjoy some beautiful scenery before it gets too hot outside.
6. Have a Netflix marathon
All your friends are busy or out of town? Binge-watching a good show on Netflix is for sure the best way to go. Some of the best shows to get easily hooked on are: House of Cards, How I Met Your Mother, Bates Motel and Bob's Burgers-- to name a few of my personal favorites.
7. Volunteer
Whether it's at a homeless shelter or even the local pound, dedicating time to help others in some way is truly beneficial for both the ones you're helping as well as yourself.
So you see, there actually are ways to have an eventful Spring Break besides going to the beach. Take advantage of your week of freedom now to de-stress and have fun, because you won't have a break again until summer!