I'm being a little Liberal with the definition of punk here. I should really call it just general rock, but that's not what the little punk in me would do, so screw it. I'm also not gonna order these because I don't want to. Oh, and yeah, most of these songs are explicit.
1. Better Luck Tomorrow
Settle Your Scores is a band that seemed to slip under my radar. Not exactly a super popular band, yet their talent to speaks for them; this album is a statement. Somewhere in between Relient K (yeah! remember them?) and Of Mice And Men, this album jumps styles effortlessly. They still seem to keep a sense of humor though with songs like, 'No Ragrets' and 'Your Teeth vs. The Pavement'. Definitely a drive home kind of album.
2. Hunger Pains
The second single to come from their newest album, Layover seem to be getting ready for a big release. Coming from the sound of this song, I'm looking forward to it. This song has a very new age punk sound. Clean guitars playing really complicated riffs just sounds so good.
3. Continents
After I listened to this song by Wolf Culture, I fell in love. The lead singer's voice is wonderful and the songwriting is great. When the rest of the band finally comes in your heart melts and your body can't help but move. I'm hoping the rest of the album is as good as this song. I hate disappointment.
4. Nurse Joy
Charmer is a really new band out of Michigan that truly packs a punch. They have some of the coolest riffs I've personally heard on top of some powerful lyrics. This song is apparently about a bad car ride with a friend who was extremely depressed, yet it has a very upbeat sound.
5. Erase Me
Probably the farthest from punk on this list, the dark sounds of Underoath are a sound I love. Mixing elements of metal, punk, and electronica, this band twists sound for their own will. I personally love it. It's new, interesting music. Now it is a little overproduced, but its still pretty good. I think the best songs are 'Rapture' and 'ihateit'. Both songs really show the range of the musicians.
6. Mood Swings
Divided Minds is a 6 song EP. This is an album that I wasn't huge on, but it sure had its moments. The lyrics are pretty laid back on several tracks, then screamed on tracks like 'Don't Get Too Close'. I found songs like 'I Forgot You' really enjoyable. The lyrics spoke volumes to me, but this is probably not an album I'll show my grandparents when they are looking for some music recommendations
7. Pop Music
Okay fine, I lied. This is probably my favorite of the bunch. I know, I know. We had this barrier of trust. You came here looking for music recommendations and you were lied to. Sucks huh? Too bad. This is still my favorite. Remo Drive is another band that slipped under my radar and I immediately fell in love with. My only problem is that this EP is only 3 songs long. Kind of a bummer. Their angry lyrics mixed with their happy upbeat instrumentals make this band interesting to the last second. Even if it does sound like it was recorded in a basement, I think that was an artistic decision.
Give these songs a listen, you might just fall in love.