If you are an artist of any medium, watercolor, oil, acrylic, pastel, charcoal or sculpture, it is a rollercoaster experience.
1. Coming up with noteworthy ideas
Some days, my inspiration is flowing with creativity. I could have so many thoughts and unique ideas one day, and be completely befuddled the next!
But what I love about being a painter is that I have the freedom to create whatever my heart desires. This is how I express myself and my thoughts. It brings me satisfaction and serenity which I have come to see as very beautiful.
2. Having motivation
If there is the slightest hesitation or disinterest in painting, you can forget it. If I make myself paint on a day where I don’t feel the passion or desire, no masterpiece will be made that day. And nothing can change my mind.
But if I want to produce multiple pictures or if I have a lot to accomplish, I could paint anywhere from two to eight hours a day. The days vary and that is what I love about painting.
3. The mess of paint. Everywhere.
And I mean everywhere. From fingers to forehead to toes--by accidentally stepping in paint that you splashed on the floor. There’s no escaping it and it is something you have to accept when starting a new project. You will get dirty.
Sometimes it isn’t such a bad thing; it can be fun and show how hard you worked to make your picture perfect..unless you get it on your clothes. Then it’s the end of the world and you’re mad at your art table for a couple days.
4. The small working corners
No matter how much space you have, there just seems to be “stuff” everywhere.
Of course, you need all these things in case of certain techniques or disasters decide to occur. But the tight spaces can cause accidents and unnecessary messes that just piss you off.
5. The criticism
Nothing feels worse than receiving any type of criticism. What I’ve learned from it is to take it lightly and without feeling. People are giving their honest opinion based on how they see your work and are giving their advice to make it better. Take people's criticism as another viewpoint and aspect to consider. This is how you will get better and advance your artwork.
6. The frustration and the finale
Some pieces can take a couple days to finish and the journey to the finish line calls for many moments of difficulty. But after fixing all errors and nearing the end, finally finishing and seeing the end product is a very satisfying feeling.
7. The pride
Showing your pieces to your loved ones and perspective buyers, seeing their reactions, and receiving their complements is a delightful feeling of pride and joy. You put your heart and soul into these creations, and to see people loving and seeing what you see is a fantastic excitement.
These were a few of my experiences and tips about being an artist; what are yours? If you are an artist of any kind--a painter, a writer, a drawer, or even a fashionista--I would love to hear some trials and triumphs you may have when creating a masterpiece! I encourage everyone to express themselves in any form of art and to share it with the world. Whether you do it for yourself or others, it is a rewarding hobby that I aspire to continue for the rest of my life.