Donald Trump is running for president of the United States. Did that give you the heebie jeebies, too? Just typing out that sentence took 10 years off my life and made my skin break out.
But I'm not here to talk about politics. I'm here to share with you 10 photos that look painstakingly like America's biggest idiot. This process was a long one, seeing as many animals don't have the gorgeous, effortless good looks of this candidate. With a lot of blood, sweat and tears, I've managed to compile enough animal research.
Here are 10 animals that look unmistakably like Donald Trump.
Did you have to do a double take too?! I mean, seriously, this is just uncanny.
Can someone say TWINS? Not only do Donald and these pig butts look alike, but they even have the same amount of brain cells. Science is crazy!
Is this a photo of a panda or is it just Donald Trump before a GOP debate? You decide!
At first glance I could've sworn this was Donald and Ted Cruz going for a leisurely walk, but it's actually just two rhinos grazing in the grass. Same thing, right?
Grey, fuzzy and terrifying. This has doppelganger written all over it.
If you look really, really closely, you can almost hear Donald saying, "I'm going to ruin this country overnight."
So you're trying to tell me this isn't a live action photo of Donald Trump giving a speech? Usually when there's poop flying out and no points are being made, it's a Trump rally. Classic mistake.
Hey Donald, maybe if you tried pulling your head out of your butt I wouldn't have to compare you to them. Just some food for thought.