Bored with your typical music selection? Looking for something new to jam out to in the shower? Sick of listening to the same song on repeat because you just don't know what else is out there? This is the place for you. Here are some albums to check out right now:
1. "How to Be a Human Being," Glass Animals.
This album is great if you want to hear some really palpable beats. This is my favorite music to listen to on a Friday night with a candle lit lying on the floor with my eyes closed. Check out "Season 2, Episode 3," and "The Other Side of Paradise."
2. "Like I Used To," Lucy Rose.
I like to listen to this album when I'm studying or journaling. Lucy Rose has a beautiful, mesmerizing voice that is easy to listen to. She writes smart, relatable lyrics that will make you feel some type of way. This is a great album for breakups.
3. "Light Upon the Lake," Whitney.
Lead singer Julien Ehrlich has a winy voice that is hard to adjust to. But the lyrics are so good that I can't stop listening. One of my favorites from the song "No Woman," is "I've been going through a change/I might never be sure/I'm just walking in a haze/I'm not ready to turn."
4. "Back on Top," The Front Bottoms.
Angry? Listen to this album. Happy? Listen to this album. Need life advice? Listen to this album. The lyrics make you feel something real. Brian Sella's crooning voice make you sympathize with him and make you want to be his champion. Check out "Help," "Historic Cemetery," and "The Plan."
5. "Telluric," Matt Corby.
This album is funky and transcendental. The best way to listen to this album is laying down in your bed with your eyes closed in headphones in. It'll take you on a fun journey. My favorites include "Monday" and "Sooth Lady Wine."
6. "Act One," Marian Hill.
Lead singer Samantha Gongol's soft singing combined with the jazzy, bassy beats of production artist Jeremy Lloyd creates a unique sound. Great album to listen to while working out.
7. "The Altar," Banks.
While Banks musical talents are often questioned, the songs on this album pump me up. Whenever I feel like raging, I pop this album in and jam out to her beckoning calls.