I have been in college for four years now and, even though I'm getting older, I still dwell on my freshman years. As I think about all of the good things as well as the bad things that happened to me, I live a life where I regret nothing, but only to do things a little bit different. I wish I had advice about how to actually survive college and do certain things a little more different. As school is starting, there are a few things that you should know about college..
1. Straight A's, Might not be Always
Just because you were a straight A student in high school is not a guarantee it will be the same in college. It's actually harder for higher GPA students from high school than students who didn't do too well. Plus if you were a straight A student in high school, your first C in college will not kill you. Even if you think that it's the end of the world.
2. Asking for Help
of the situation, know that you are not invincible. There will be so
many situations and questions that will need answers that you can't get
answered until you ask. When you ask, ask more than one person. All
situations: friends, money, school, sex, health, living situations,
Greek life, majors, instructors etc.
3. Deciding what to Major in
study. Sometimes our interests change and college is meant for that exploration. So don't feel too down on yourself if you discover that you don't want to be a doctor or lawyer like you originally thought for the past 10+ years, and don't force yourself to keep studying things that you don't find passion in.
4. Friends
In college you may outgrow some of your friends and that's okay. We all want different things after high school. The friends in college that might have now may not be the friends you have once you get ready to graduate and that's fine as well. They were either a blessing or a lesson. Something you will figure out sooner than later.
5. Dare to be Different
Be yourself! Never lose your self in all the hype. Enjoy your years, especially freshman year. Make mistakes and learn from them (you'll do it anyway, once or twice.) Don't let anyone try and tell you how to act. If you want to be weird and do certain things, out of the box, then go for it, without any hesitation. If you want to wear a pony shirt and green/blue hair , go for it, I would say challenge the stereotype and stand out.
6. You're experience
You're college experience is just that, you're experience, you should know that everyone's college experience is different even if it is one of your relative's experience. Once you go to college, or a University, you're experience starts there... and it's okay to not be okay all the time!
7. Keep Your Faith
Throughout your years in school there will be times when life hits you hard, money is very low, relationships are getting difficult, and school is getting very stressful. No matter what you go through, everything happens for a reason, so you can not lose faith. When situations like that occur, all you have to do is call on God and everything will turn around sooner than you think.