7 Abandoned Places You Should Visit In RI
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7 Abandoned Places You Should Visit In RI

Get off the beaten path and explore somewhere new.

7 Abandoned Places You Should Visit In RI

Most summers consist of beach days and fire pits, and while that never fails to be entertaining, it can be a little redundant. This summer, you and your friends should do something different. Instead of mingling with beach crowds and tourists, venture out and explore some of these cool abandoned places around Rhode Island.

1. Fort Whetherill: Jamestown

Fort Whetherill is a now abandoned artillery fort located on the coast of Jamestown. It was the largest fort within the Narragansett Bay, until it was turned over to the State of Rhode Island and converted into a state park shortly after its deactivation following World War II. Today, the fort is a popular attraction for those with spray cans and Instagram accounts.

2. Brenton Point Stables: Newport

The Brenton Point Stables are located on a farm previously owned by William Brenton in the late 17th century. In the late 1800s, the land ownership switched over to famous Egyptologist, Theodore Davis, who used the land to build a mansion, stone stables, and an intricate garden. While the house burned down in the 70s, the stone stables remained largely unaffected. Nature has slowly begun to reclaim its territory since the stables have been abandoned.

3. Pawtucket-Central Falls Train Station: Pawtucket/Central Falls

The Pawtucket-Central Falls train station was opened in 1916 to replace the separate stations in each city, and then closed just 65 years later in 1981. There are plans to reopen the station in a slightly different location by 2020, but for now, the station remains inactive.

4. Crook Point Bascule Bridge: Providence

Located over the Seekonk River, this bridge has remained in the upright position since it's closing in 1976. Its original use was a connection to the Providence Union Station, but its use declined as the popularity of railroads declined. Since its abandonment, this bridge has been a popular spot for vandalism, including graffiti.

5. East Side Train Tunnel: Providence

The East Side Train Tunnel is an underground tunnel running from Benefit Street to Gano Street, and is connected to the Crook Point Bascule Bridge. The tunnel was sealed shortly after May 1st, 1993, after campus security officers tried to break up a party, which then became a riot after the police became involved. The police claimed they found satanic rituals within the tunnel and sealed it shut. Despite being sealed, the tunnel is still frequently broken into. If you plan on exploring this tunnel, make sure to bring a flashlight (or two), and if you're visiting after it rains, make sure to wear rain boots.

6. Fort Mansfield: Westerly

Fort Mansfield is another abandoned coastal artillery built in 1901. In 1909, the fort was taken off the list of active costal units due to a "fatal flaw" in its design; it was completely vulnerable if approached at a "dead angle" along the coast. In 1926, the fort was sold to a private syndicate in an attempt to keep the land from being developed. In the recent years, attempts have been made to conserve the land by keeping vandals and explorers away from the property, but the area remains easily accessible.

7. Old Stone House: Narragansett

Located in Scarborough State Park, this beachfront property has more or less withstood the test of time. When venturing out here, you have to keep a watchful eye out for poison ivy, but the adventure is worth seeing this structure in person.

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