Is where you are at holding you back?
No, I'm not saying you have to go across the globe "to find yourself" because how realistic is that, really? It's so much more than a location, it's a mentality as well.
This can mean so many different things.
If you are living in a home that is toxic, make a plan to get out. Notify other loved ones, friends, counselors, teachers, co-workers, doctors, anyone. Make the move for yourself.
If you are at a school that does not make you happy anymore, see what your options are to transfer. Seek guidance from an advisor, family, and financial support.
If you are in a relationship that is horrible for your mind, do what is best for you and leave. Have a conversation with that person or reach out to others to help remove yourself from the situation.
If you are in a bad place mentally, seek the help that will get you out of that dark place. There are more people in the same shoes than you think. Someone will be able to help you get out of the hole you feel you are in. Doctors, therapists, counselors, friends, and family want you to enjoy your life. Just say one sentence, "help me".
Don't think you are confined to one place, one person, or one mindset. This is so false.
You are so much more than your surroundings and you should never feel like you are being held back from your best self or your best life. You are worthy of a happy, fulfilling life, so go get it.
Don't feel that you have to stay in a place you are placed in. You are capable of what you want to achieve no matter what anyone says.
Don't listen to excuses that come from within you or from other people. You can obtain the resources, guidance, and motivation if you just look towards the right places.
Life is so short. And I know you have heard that before, but it truly is. You have to make it what you want it to be. Before you know it, days, months, and years will go by and you won't have changed what you need to. Make small changes now. Or make big changes now. Growth is not supposed to be comfortable, but it's worth it.
You can do this, I promise. Your best life is waiting for you.