Yes, I am aware that most people are on vacation and don't have to study.
But, real talk—there is always work to be done.
Getting work done or studying at home can be great at all, but the power of working at your local coffee shop is unreal. You do need to (or at least you should) buy a drink or food if you go to one, but you get more than seven hours of pure studying bliss and motivation in exchange.
Being in a coffee shop helps you to have direct access to caffeine, Wi-Fi, power outlets, food, and social interaction.
You might stop and say, "Social interaction? I'm there to work - not talk to people." But the thing is - we are social creatures. Even a small interaction with the barista is something. Get in your daily dose of social interaction in the midst of studying/working.
Studying at a coffee shop is effective in that you can start studying right away instead of waiting for you to "get into the mood" to study. At home or at a library, it can feel suffocating and might not provide the right environment.
Problems can be found with the temperature, noise level, amount of distractions, and access to resources. Most of these problems are prevented at a coffee shop. The temperature is usually fit to match the weather. Most coffee shops have an unspoken rule to keep the noise level at a minimum. Distractions are a matter of your own self-control.
At least for me, being in a working environment motivates me to stay off my phone and study. And, as stated above, coffee shops have food, water, and a restroom.
For all the reasons stated above and more that aren't mentioned, I recommend that you give coffee shops a try the next time you're trying to get some work done!