Dear Mom and Daddy,
I don't say it enough but you are both my heroes. You have taught me more than any teacher ever could. You have supported every decision I have ever made, even if it was a stupid one. You are truly the best parents I could ever have!
So, thank you for...
1. Dealing with my teenage years.
2. Sending me to private school (even when I hated it).
3. All of our family vacations.
4. Home cooked meals.
5. Supporting me.
6. Showing up to all my games.
7. Driving me to every practice, game, friends house, or wherever I wanted/needed to be.
8. Teaching me how to drive.
9. Giving me my favorite car.
10. Buying me a brand new car when that one died.
11. Pushing me to do my best in school.
12. Making me go to college.
13. Helping me with all those applications.
14. Teaching me more than school ever could.
15. Paying for my education.
16. Giving me the best advice..."experience life".
17. Encouraging me to study abroad.
18. ...and paying for it.
19. Making sure I'm happy.
20. Taking care of me when I'm sick.
21. Making all the holidays special.
22. Letting me skip school when I was sick.
23. And for not getting too mad when you found out I skipped just cause...
24. Teaching me how to drive stick.
25. Staying up until I made it home safe.
26. And not getting too mad when I come home at 3 am now.
27. Making sure I had a coat, hat, gloves, scarf, and a million layers on when it was cold.
28. Letting me have ice cream for dinner.
29. Showing me I never need to pay full price for anything.
30. Having patience with me.
31. Doing my laundry.
32. And making sure I knew how to do it before college.
33. Always getting me the perfect birthday gifts.
34. Spoiling me.
35. Letting me figure things out on my own.
36. Giving me faith.
37. Showing me the importance of family.
38. Making sure I'm always safe.
39. Buying chocolate milk and ice cream when I come home.
40. Never forgeting to pack my lunch or give me lunch money.
41. Moving into the best neighborhood.
42. The lake house.
43. Reading this article and all of my other ones.
44. Taking my car to get inspected.
45. All the birthday parties,
46. And graduation parties,
47. And random parties.
48. Saving all my projects from grade school.
49. Taking way too many pictures.
50. Reading all those bed time stories.
51. Buying me more books than I can read.
52. Teaching me how to cook.
53. Letting me use you as an excuse when I didn't want to do something.
54. Not letting me fail chemistry or biology.
55. And telling me all I had to do was my best.
56. Teaching me to be responsible.
57. Making me laugh, as you try to keep up with what's new.
58. Not wearing embarassing clothing... and making fun of parents that do.
59. Being my #1 fans.
60. Showing me what real love is.
Your favorite child