There are some things that we can all agree on. All of these 60 things listed below are things that we all get excited or happy about, even if it is very small. Remember to always appreciate the little things in life!
1. Finding money in unexpected places
There is no better feeling than finding that five dollar bill in your back pocket, or that twenty in the old wallet you stopped using.
2. Stop lights going your way
When you see a red light up ahead and it turns green just in time that you don't have to stop is saving us that whole minute.
3. Pressing the snooze button on your alarm
Waking up to your alarm and knowing you don't have to get up makes for a better slumber.
4. Rain happens to stop when you need to walk to your car
5. In a long line and one opens up just for you
"I can take whoever is next!" Score.
6. Favorite song comes on the radio
No matter who you are I know you like either blasting the radio, singing your lungs out, or just nodding your head to the beat.
7. Text from "you know who"
Receiving that text from that special someone is always a nice feeling.
8. Receiving a package earlier than expected
Getting packages in general is like Christmas!
9. Getting a good grade on something you thought you failed
Getting that paper back you typed in twenty minutes and realize you're secretly a genius.
10. Finding cute AND comfortable shoes
Very rare, but very exciting.
11. Liking the first outfit you put on
Literally just saved you an hour!
12. Buying the last of an item
Now you luckily don't have to go to another store to find the same thing.
13. Finding something you misplaced quickly
You know when you don't remember where you put your keys and then the first place you check they appear? Yeah, that.
14. A match on Tinder
We all feel a little accomplished and a little better about ourselves.
15. Getting paid forward
When your Starbucks is mysteriously paid for and you feel so blessed.
16. Class gets cancelled
Which also means more time to watch Netflix and sleep.
17. When "you know who" likes your Instagram picture
That's right, look at my picture.
18. Waking up and realizing you didn't lose anything from the night before
Also realizing you didn't spend that much money either.
19. Realizing the weekend is here
20. Getting a stain to come out of something you didn't think was possible
21. Getting a Venmo payment
I will take every dollar I can get.
22. Getting tagged in an Instagram picture
Don't lie you know you feel popular.
23. Unexpected gifts
Even if it was just your roommate making you a piece of toast. It counts.
24. When it doesn't rain on an important day
Not only do you not have to worry about your hair, but also can wear whatever you want, no mud, and more fun. Especially on game days.
25. Not having to set an alarm for the next morning
This may be my favorite thing on this list.
26. Still fitting in old clothes
Realizing you still fit into that one good pair of jeans you own again this year.
27. Finding good coupons
Even fifty cents feels like a huge save.
28. Taco Bell
29. Realizing you have leftovers in the fridge
Time for my second dinner!
30. Receiving nice compliments
Even if it's just a comment on your eyes it's a great feeling.
31. Hitting your minimum amount of likes on an Instagram
32. Getting a new personal record of the amount of likes on your Instagram picture
Bigger score.
33. Getting out of class/off work early
34. Taking a good snapchat on the first try
No filter even needed.
35. Looking at old memories
Reminiscing with other people is so fun and makes everyone feel good inside.
36. Getting shot gun
This usually means you are in charge of aux.
37. Being told "good job"
Especially by your parents. It's always nice to feel like you are making them proud.
38. Matching your eyeliner wings perfectly
39. When your favorite show on Netflix gets a new season added
So this also means you will not be moving from bed for the next four days.
40. Good hair day
41. Waking up and realizing you don't have to do anything
Back to sleep!
42. A stranger saying hi
Some people are just so nice. It puts a smile on your face.
43. Getting comfortable in the exact right position after a long day
Literally nothing feels better.
44. Cuddling with your pet(s)
45. Having your phone and computer both fully charged
46. When you get extra food for free
Getting an extra Chick Fil A nugget? I'll take it any day
47. Starting a snapchat streak
This also means that friendship is at a new level.
48. Completing a workout
Even if it was super short.
49. Passing a cop and he doesn't pull out behind you
Even if you are going the speed limit, we all breathe a sigh of relief when he doesn't turn his lights on.
50. Getting a good fortune in a fortune cookie
Though it will never be true.
51. Finishing an assignment/paper you've been working on
52. Getting together with friends
53. Finally sneezing
That itch in your nose is finally gone and you don't have to think about it anymore.
54. Itching that spot
55. Finding free Wifi
56. Checking your bank account and realizing you have more money than you thought
57. Finding quarters in the vending machine dispenser
You basically got that bag of chips for free.
58. Holding a baby
59. Being around family
Family time over any time.