Left-handed people make up about 10% of the world. So being left handed means you are rare, which is obviously really cool, but sometimes I'm not gonna lie, it sucks. A lot of everyday items and activities are built for people who are right-handed, which makes sense considering that it's 90% of the population.
With that being said, that makes 10% of our lives a little more difficult each day. Starting from when we were kids to young adults, the struggles and complications have multiplied. It happens in school, in sports, and even in our own homes.
The list is endless, but these are the top 6 worst struggles of being left-handed:
1. Writing with any utensil is a disaster to your hand.
You could have the neatest handwriting in the world, but the second you start writing on paper with a pen or pencil, you watch it slowly disappear. And where does it go you may ask? All down your hand.
2. Using scissors.
As much as people don't believe you when you say this, using right-handed scissors are IMPOSSIBLE for lefties. The blades are facing the wrong way, and you wind up just bending the paper a lot and losing all your patience.
3. Writing in a spiral notebook.
This task might just be the worst of them all. It will follow you for the rest of your life. Your hand hurts and it leaves a mark, showing all of your struggles. Also, your handwriting looks horrid. Moral of the story, don't write in spiral notebooks.
4. That one gross lefty baseball glove in gym class.
That one glove that the school has had since 1937 because they get a left-handed student once every ten years. It's gross, it smells weird, and is basically falling apart at the seams. A true struggle as a child.
5. Eating next to a right-handed person.
There is not a moment where your elbows are crashing into each other, and it's always the lefties fault because it's usually 1 against like 7.
6. These. Desks.
You not only have to write at a weird angle, but you have to balance your arm and hold it up just so you have the ability to write. Not fair.
But in the end, a lot of really cool people were and are left-handed, so it makes up for it I guess???