Your 20s are a weird in-between time in your life. You are still trying to figure out how to successfully be an adult while trying to embrace your inner child. Its horrifying and stressful and also a lot of fun if done correctly. Thankfully, there are short cuts to get there! Becoming an adult can be boiled down to one simple saying, "fake it till you make it."
1. Put fruit in bowls around your house.
For some reason having either fake or real food as decoration around your house gives it a certain air of sophistication. Lemons, apples, bananas, you put it in a nice bowl and your life looks instantly more put together. If you can't remember/can't afford to replace it with fresh fruit or you don't eat that much fruit in the first place, they sell fake decorative fruit bowls that won't attract bugs. (Extra adulting points if the fruit is sparkly).
2. Keep plants around to prove that you can keep things alive.
If you suck at keeping plants alive, cacti and succulents are a good choice! If you're like me and kill a cactus in a week, invest in some of the fake ones from the home decorating isle at Target!
3. Buy real glasses that aren't from the dollar store.
The true sign of being an adult is drinking your favorite beverages out of glasses they were meant to be drunk out of! That means no more wine in coffee mugs or water in plastic cups with Disney characters on them.
4. Put real books on your bookcases.
The books you display for your guests don't have to be books you ever even intend to read, just as long as the classics are featured, your life will automatically look more put together. For those highly opposed to even owning books you have no intention of ever reading, they make fake hollow books that look just like the real thing until someone picks them up!
5. Make your tea collection equal to your wine collection.
Be able to offer as many tea choices as you do wine! Even if you only own two of each, having a list ready and then pretending to realize you are out whatever they want will instantly make your adult life look more successful. If your wine collection does overcome your tea collection, at least put it on display is a classy wine case (it is the first step to your eventual personal wine cellar).
6. Have fruit infused water in your fridge.
I don't understand the fruit water craze, but for some reason being able to offer it as an option to guests makes your life seem far superior to theirs. Not only do you have time to buy and cut fresh fruit, but you have time to put it in a nice bottle in the fridge and actually keep it refilled. Most of us can't even keep our Britta filters changed regularly, so you're on a level the rest of us can only dream of.