Admit it. You become lazy over Christmas break.
It is easy to lose yourself during those three weeks when the past semester was dedicated to late nights, extreme amounts of coffee and 8 am classes. While it great to take time and relax over break, sitting around will do more harm than good. Instead of laying around eating chips on your couch or watching Netflix in bed all day, here are some useful tips that you can use to help you stay motivated over break.
1. Find a job.
Some students already have a job at home, but if you do not, it is good to have one! Not only will you earn some extra income to take back to school with you, but it will keep you busy. Even working 10-15 hours a week is better than nothing at all. There is also the chance you become friends with your coworkers, which leads to more fun things to do over break!
2. Go to the gym.
Finding time to go to the gym during the school year is difficult when you are trying to balance a million other things. If you go to the gym over break with a set workout schedule, you will keep yourself motivated all break! You also will return to school in the spring in shape and feeling good about yourself.
3. Start preparing for the next semester.
Obviously nobody wants to spend time during break thinking about the stress you will endure in the Spring, but getting together your books, binders and preparing for upcoming assignments keeps you from waiting until the day before the semester to get yourself together.
4. Have fun.
Spend time with the friends you haven’t seen in awhile! Hanging out with the people you like will keep you away from becoming a couch potato and leave you excited for what else you guys might do with the rest of your break.
5. Don't let yourself sleep in.
Sleeping in sometimes is okay, but if you plan on waking up every day at 11 or 12 pm you will quickly lose any motivation you had. Waking up early and getting an early start on your day means you will get more done and have extra time to do leisure activities.
6. Keep a daily routine.
Staying organized is a good way to keep yourself motivated. If you start sleeping in late or forget to go to the gym, it is much easier to completely give in to lazy temptations.