The Overachiever's Paradox. So much to do and so little time and resources to do it. As a student, managing school, work and a social life can be the struggle. There's a lot of pressure on students today to excel. Most of the kids at my old college were expected to have a meltdown at least once a semester. The average student has the same level of stress as the typical sanitarium patient in the '50's. Being stressed out has become the new norm, with ever higher expectations and less control over the outcome. Many students also deal with more serious issues such as bullying, relationship stress, and dating violence. Here are some ways to help balance out your life.
1. Learn How To Say No.
Sometimes there is only so much you can do right now. It can be hard to pass up opportunities that come your way, but if you try to do too much you won't be able to do everything, at least not at the level that you should be performing at. Learn that it is ok to say no. No, I'm sorry I can't go to that event. No, I'm sorry I'm not ready for that relationship, because I can't give you the time and good mood you deserve. No, I'm sorry I can't do that campaign, I won't have time to create the quality content your brand deserves. It's ok to know and admit to your limitations.
2. Get Enough Sleep.
As an overachiever I have a chronic problem with not letting myself rest. However there is only so much you can humanly do, and enough rest will give you the peace of mind to do everything better. If you aren't enjoying all of your accomplishments, then what is the point of doing them?
3. Avoid Salty Foods.
One of the most common things that will increase anxiety on a physical level is a lot of salt. Check the sodium count on all of your food. You would be surprised how easy it is to eat a gram of salt a day! Instead eat a lot of fresh, unprocessed foods that are rich in minerals.
4. Magnesium.
Speaking of minerals, one of the best natural supplements for anxiety is magnesium. It balances out the sodium pathways in your cells. It is available in tablet form or crushed so that you can mix it into water. The water that we all drink nowadays is so filtered to make it clean, however this filtration process removes the natural minerals that would otherwise be found in our daily water source. Adding the minerals back in is a very natural way to bring balance to your body.
5. Pranayama.
Pranayama, or deep yoga breathing, can actually stop a minor anxiety attack. Inhale slowly for as long as you can, and exhale as slowly for as long as you can. Work on getting each inhale and exhale to last for ten counts each. This will automatically stop you from hyperventilating which directly contributes to anxiety.
6. Reach Out.
You would be how supportive people can be when you let them know what is going on. Without telling them that you are feeling anxious or stressed, they will often be left feeling bewildered or annoyed at your behavior. Just tell them what is going on. What they choose to do after that is up to them. Your friends will come out of the woodwork to support you.
Following these five things will definitely help reduce your stress level. Take care of yourself, set a realistic schedule and tap into your social network. Your goals will come to you if you continue to work on them and avoid getting burnt out.