Do you ever find yourself completely unable to fall asleep? No matter how hard you try or how tired you are your body just won't sleep. It happens to absolutely everyone at some point whether it is once a month or almost every night. These tips and tricks can get me to fall asleep when my body refuses to let me, and maybe they'll even work for you:
1. Get comfortable
Maybe your body won't let you sleep because your not in the right position. On other nights before you fall asleep try and figure out your favorite position to sleep in. My favorite way to sleep is on my side draped over a long body pillow. However, your position may not be whats wrong. Factors such as temperature and how soft/hard your pillow is, can affect how well you sleep.
2. Do something boring
Remember those documentaries you might have fallen asleep to during class? Put one on. If it made you fall asleep once why wouldn't it again? Maybe put on a show you've already watched on Netflix. If you've seen it before you're less likely to wonder what happens in the next episode. Fall asleep while you read you biology text book or try reading the chapter you're reading in class. You're more likely to fall asleep and you might learn something too.
3. Distract yourself
My favorite way to do this is to count backwards from 100 until I fall asleep. It'll take at most three tries to get it. Some people count sheep while others will sing the alphabet backwards. Something else to try is imagining yourself somewhere you find peaceful like waterfalls or the beach.
4. Don't use electronics
I know it may be tempting, but turn your phone on silent and don't check it. The light won't allow your eyes to adjust and be comfortable enough to sleep. Plus checking social media can be somewhat time consuming depending on how many outlets you have. If using your phone is unavoidable (like it is for me) trying lowering the brightness and turning on the new settings iPhones have for night time.
5. Take a warm shower or bath
The warm water will be soothing and help you fall asleep. This will get you clean for the next day and help relax you for a good nights sleep. Try to not go to sleep with wet hair especially if its long, this makes it harder to sleep (at least for me).
6. Try using certain smells to help you sleep
Lavender is extremely calming and has be known to help many sleep. Some mothers use lavender to help babies fall asleep easier and it seems to work on all ages. Try candles, essential oils, or using a lavender scented laundry detergent on your sheets and pajamas. Lavender is also known to reduce anxiety so if that's why you can't sleep this might help too.6. Try using certain smells to help you sleep.