Everyone knows that trying to maintain a balance of school, sleep, friends, work, and extra-cirriculars is no easy task. In fact it often leaves our minds in a place of complete disarray and our bodies completely stress-ridden.
There are any unhealthy ways of coping with stress that many people resort to including grumpy moods, chronic procrastination, sleeping, filling up every second of your day with random stuff just to avoid all responsibility and eating a bunch of unhealthy food. These are all terrible ways to cope with stress, but I know everyone, myself included has resorted to that kind of behavior at some point but this semester let's turn over a new leaf. (At least let's try.)
In honor of us almost being done with our first month of the new semester here is a compilation of things that I found that help me relieve some tension and stress throughout my week.
1. Talking it Out
Now this can be a good or bad thing because it can get you riled up. But more often than not, talking about your problems makes you brainstorm ways to fix it or get much needed advice from your close friends and family about how to plan for your future. I know that I stress out a lot about what classes I should be taking and when/ what semester it needs to happen, but venting to my advisor helps because she knows exactly how to help me.
2. Clean Your Room
When I'm feeling little extra stressed, it's often a cause of a messy room. When the space that you're working in feels cramped and crowded it can cause a person to feel claustrophobic which is not exactly a stress-free environment. Cleaning usually helps me pick up my motivation and makes me feel like I've accomplished a lot in my day.
3. Hug An Animal
I feel like this is obvious. Scientifically it has been proven that animals can help alleviate stress, so what better way than to go hug your dog or your cat. If you don't have a pet, then head on over to the humane society. The animals there are always looking for people to play with them so it's a win-win situation.
4. Paint/ Craft
Painting or doing some sort of art project is a good outlet for even the most un-artistic people. Something about mixing colors and getting a pretty picture out of it is strangely calming.
5. Exercise
This is another one that has been scientifically proven. Exercising releases endorphins into your body which automatically makes you happier. I also realize that this is the last thing people want to do sometimes because they feel like they can't fit it into their day, I'm definitely the type to put off my own health in the name of homework, however doing a quick 10 minute work out or even just walk around the block can still get your blood moving and release some of that built up stress.
6. Chew Gum
Strangely enough the repetitive motion of chewing gum can help reduce the cortisol levels in your body that can help with some the stress. This is an easy one to do especially if you're really busy, just pop in a piece of gum while doing homework and you'll find it much easier to focus.