Nobody likes studying. Not even the nerdiest of nerds. There are ways to do well in school without slaving for hours outside of the classroom. Here are just a few!
1. Never Skip Class
Ever heard that even just going to class without paying attention is a lot better than skipping? Well, it's true! Going to class will get you in the routine and make you feel more in the loop. Also, taking a test in the same spot when you heard information will make it easier to recall, rather than teaching it to yourself later!
2. Put Your Phone Away
You'll be surprised how little there is to distract you if you just swear to keep your phone out of sight during class. A text here and there probably won't hurt, but definitely stay off of social media. And absolutely no listening to music!
3. Regular Sleep Habits
Going around tired all day poorly affects your ability to think and recall information. Showing up to class with a refreshed mind will give you significantly better results than if you're nodding off in the middle of a PowerPoint.
4. Stay On Top Of Easy Grades
Huh? Easy grades? Yes, like participation, homework, completion grades, etc. If these parts of your average remain as high as possible (AKA the easy stuff) it gives you not only a higher grade, but makes test taking less stressful and gives you a little cushion to fall back on.
5. Take The Syllabus Seriously
Live by the syllabus. Don't miss important lecture days, definitely know well in advance when a test is coming up.
6. Get On Your Teacher's Good Side
Teachers have admitted to me before that if a student seems to actually try, they have a favorable opinion of them. This won't always work, but if you ever find yourself in a pickle they will probably show you more grace than if you're always showing up late, distracting people in their class.
There are tons of little ways to make your grades better. Most of them come down to maxmimizing your classroom learning. Thus, resulting in less time needing to study outside the classroom.