After months on months of waiting and anticipating the arrival of spring break, it is over just like that. Now college students will return to campus in these coming weeks dealing with the loss of spring break and now are suffering from Post Spring Break Depression.
Mourning the fact that spring break has ended students are back on campus and dreading the rest of the semester. This means continuing with coursework up until the end of the semester. Here are some ways to get through the semester and keep your sanity.
1. Spring Break is OVER, deal with it!
I know it is sad that its over and you cant imagine doing anything else when you know you could be having that much fun on the beach with your friends, but honestly all good things must come to an end. Having those thoughts as constant reminders will not help you get over the fact that spring break has come and gone. However if you do take a few minutes every now and then to remember all the fun it will help you distress and help make the fact that you are doing work somewhat more tolerable.
2. Treat your schoolwork as a 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. job.
This gives you a timeframe to work within that will give you enough time to accomplish all your tasks but not force you to pull allnighters every other night. This will help you schedule all of your tasks accordingly and give you flexibility to schedule extracurricular events.
3. Fill your days with other activities.
There is so much more that college has to offer than just an education. This is the time to take advantage of opportunities that are thrown your way. This will give you much needed study breaks and show you that you do have a life outside of school.
4. Breaks!
There will be days when it is just too hard to push through everything you have on your plate and you just need a break. TAKE IT! Take the time to gather yourself and help get yourself relaxed so you can get back on track. However don’t make this an every 15-minute occurrence.
5. Take advantage of easy days and weeks!
It is inevitable that you will have days (sometimes even a week) where you don’t have as much going. Take advantage of these! Not only use these to sit in bed and watch some Netflix, which you should definitely do, but also get ahead and start planning for the weeks where the work will really pile up on you!
6. Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize!
Make sure you know what your priorities are and when they need to be done. Most times in college we are more stressed when we have huge assignments due is because we have lingering petty assignments that wont take more than 45 minutes to complete, it is when you have 5 of those and a 5 page paper all due within the next day and a half that we get all stressed. Get the little things out of the way, you will thank yourself later.