Today I am going to be talking about six ways for you to destress. Whether you are back to school, overwhelmed at work, or you just have a lot going on, I've got you covered!
1. Essential Oils
I know, I know. You probably just cringed at the thought of this "hippie" millennial suggestion, but studies show that essential oils can release natural hormones in the body That will leave you feeling tip top. Still skeptical?
2. Deep Breathing
Though this one may seem like a give in, you would be surprised how many people don't take the time out of their busy schedules to the some nice deep breaths and asses the situation. So, the next time you feel like pulling your hair out, just stop, close your eyes, and breathe in for five seconds and out for six. Try doing this throughout your day to increase productivity and decrease stress.
3. Buy a Plant
Whether it be for your home, your desk, or your office you should really invest in a plant or two. Not only will plants liven up your space, but it can induce relaxation. Not everybody has a green thumb so if you are worried everything you will touch will die, then consider looking into succulents. These plants require little attention and they don't need water everyday.
4. Kissing
For all the taken people out there (or not) call up your S/O (or maybe an ex, or old friend). Kissing releases hormones and endorphins that have the ability to reduce anxiety, depression, and you guessed it, stress. So pucker up ladies, for the sake of stress relief of course.
5. Potassium
This one might seem a little out of the ordinary, but we are getting somewhere I promise. When you get stressed out, your body reacts. Naturally, following large amounts of stress your body responds with an elevation of your blood pressure. Potassium can help reduce this effect seeing as though it has the natural ability to lower blood pressure which in turn brings your stress levels down. So, the next time you're at the grocery store don't forget to stock up on those bananas.
6. Take a Bath
A lot of people (especially guys) will rule this one out almost immediately, but before you pull the plug on the idea completely, consider the benefits. Bath salts, oils, bubble baths and other bath additives can be the perfect place for a nice steamy meditation.
Before you pull your hair out (or for my college students: have a mental breakdown) consider following these six steps for a relatively stress free environment. So take this information and go forth and do great (stress free) things!