Dealing with change is challenging. We tend to cling to things we already know rather than venture outside of familiarity. When major changes come into our lives, it is usually followed by feelings of anxiety, fear or sadness. Whether your major change is graduating from high school, starting college, graduating from college, beginning a new job or leaving an old relationship, change can take a toll on you. It’s essential to reflect on these changes rather than let them negatively affect you. Here are some things to contemplate when coping with change:
1. Recognize that change is a constant presence in life.
Our lives are essentially a series of events. We are continuously having new experiences and entering different stages of life. As long as time continues to progress, our lives will continue to undergo change. There is no way of avoiding it. The sooner you recognize that change is inevitable, the sooner you will be able to accept change as a part of life.
2. Realize that change helps you grow.
While change may leave you with an uncomfortable feeling, change can force you to expand your horizons. It can put you in new situations and provide you with different opportunities. Change can push you out of your comfort zone and allow you to explore your identity. By transitioning from certainty into uncertainty, change can make you confront your current self and grow into a more refined version of yourself.
3. Know that change can yield positive results.
Change has the ability to move you from one situation to another. It can also be the transition from one stage in your life to another. Change can improve your situation and your mental state. Change can mean transitioning into a new job, leaving an unhealthy relationship or moving to a new place. While these transitions may not be easy, they can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling life.
4. Understand that change won’t always be dramatic.
Although life will occasionally bring big changes, changes aren’t always monumental. Just because there seems to be a lot of change occurring at one moment doesn’t mean there will be a lot of change occurring at the next moment. Change is a part of life, but it won’t always be a big part of life. At some point, things will calm down and you won’t feel so unsettled – just give it time.
5. Acknowledge that undergoing change generates wisdom.
Change introduces you to new experiences, all of which provide you with more knowledge about yourself and the world around you. Undergoing change – whether good or bad – provides you with valuable insight moving forward. Over time, you will realize which changes worked and which changes didn’t. It will make you have a more well-rounded perspective and a deepened self-awareness.
6. Keep the future in mind.
While your life may be riddled with
big changes at the moment, it won’t always be. It may take a lot of changes to
get to where you want to be, but perseverance will get you there. Don’t let
transitional periods discourage you. One day, these big changes will subside.
Keep an open mind and be optimistic about where these changes will lead you.