Do something that is scandalous.... OHHHH | The Odyssey Online
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6 Ways You Can Become Famous

Unbeknownst to you, I am somewhat of a famous person.....Well, at least to my mom.

6 Ways You Can Become Famous

People these days seem to become famous left and right. Some rightfully deserving it and some...well... not so much. Here are 6 ways on how to become famous... WARNING: I will not be held reliable if you do not become famous. This is a satire article. HOWEVER, if you do become famous after reading this...Please feel free to tell me your ways.

Social anxiety. PFFFT! Get rid of it.


I have people every day tell me, "Sarah, just stop having anxiety. The only way you'll become famous is if you learn to stop worrying." WEELLLL! It's about time I listen and throw away that mumbo jumbo crap about social anxiety and pull up my big kid pants and learn to be an adult. No more living in the shadows. I shall stand up in class, look at my classmates, and immediately sit back down because I ain't ready yet.

Do something that is scandalous.... OHHHH


Oooooh, yes scandalous. Something so sinister, so absolutely despicable that no one will ever be able to top it. So listen up my fellow followers (my mother)! I will do the most scandalous thing you have ever seen. I shall eat this kit kat bar without breaking it. I shall it eat it...down the middle. Muhahaha!

Be a twelve year old twitch player.


I don't fit in this category because I am "too old". Psssh. I'm good at games. I'm just not twelve. It is amazing how much money some of these kids make over twitch playing. One kid made over 120K playing Fortnite. WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO WITH THAT AMOUNT MONEY?!?! Tell you what I would do. Buy a lot of kit kat bars to do something scandalous.

Get a dog


GET. A. DOG. That's it. You've won me over. You might as well own the internet.



YouTube the wonderful platform where people can get famous based off of anything. I would totally do it. If only I could follow through with my first step...yeahhh. Still working on that.

Have a unique talent


There are unique talents all across the world and some go unrecognized, which is shameful! People's talents need to be shared and expressed. To inspire people! Like my talent. The ability to wiggle my nose like a bunny rabbit.

So by reading through these steps on how to become famous, you will see how ridiculous I am and probably have me thrown into jail for eating a kit kat wrong. Well, at least I will be in some headline.

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