1.Create a ScheduleÂ
Just like we budget our money we should " Budget our time.
When you create a schedule for every second of your day, every hour and minute is accounted for.
This allows you to know how much time you have and areas where you waste time being unproductive.
We have only 24 hours in a day, and once we lose it we can't get it back.
when making a schedule make time for your social life, entertainment and fun things you like to do.
I like to schedule at least 1 hour of productivity a day for myself whether its writing or cleaning I like to do something thats not work or school related but something that will help me as a person towards my goals.
2.Wake up earlyÂ
The most successful people wake up early. When you wake up early you give yourself more time to accomplish your goals for the day. Again we have 24 hours if you spend have of it sleeping you have 12 hours to be productive.
12 hours isn't a lot of time, you've now wasted time you can't get back and nothing to show for it.
So set a specific time you want to be awake. It will take practice if you aren't a morning person.
3.Set GoalsÂ
Set goals so you can have something to look forward to everyday. Setting written goals that you can measure works as a motivational tool. When you have something you want to accomplish, you set your goal, and complete it's a reward in itself. You can set goals for day to day, Long term goals, or Short terms goals.
4. Avoid distractionsÂ
Avoid distractions, if you are sticking to yourself you should make time for entertainment and your social life as well. But when those things interfere with your schedule tasks it's a distraction. Remember to keep your goals in mind when you encounter distractions. Also remember its okay to say no. If you know you have a task to complete or can't spare any free time say no.
5.Set remindersÂ
Set reminders on your phone or tablet to help you stay on task during the day. There's no point of making a schedule if you aren't going to stay on task. This will also help you avoid distraction.
6.Get around like minded peopleÂ
I know when you are the path to success you want to bring your friends or loved ones. That's great but if they aren't trying to be successful with you then they can drag you down and hinder your success. Find people or a mentor that's either where you're going or on the journey with you. It a great motivational tool and it inspires you to keep going.