They say that the first step is admittance: When you finally realize you have a bad habit you need to kick, admitting you have a problem is the first necessary step in recovery. So, let's all admit it together, shall we? Take a deep breath, and repeat after me: "I am a Stereotypical New Jersey Driver." There! See? Now, that wasn't so hard, was it? Not sure if you're a Stereotypical Jersey Driver? Well, here's 6 signs that you are. (And you probably are.)
1. You sometimes forget what a speed limit is.
To you, the speed limit is actually at least 15 miles per hour higher than what the sign says, if you're even driving slow enough to see the sign. A true Stereotypical Jersey Driver knows that following "65 MPH" on the parkway will land you a solid spot straight into that parade of a right lane. How can the right lane drivers even stand to move that slow when all of the traffic next to them is zooming by practically at the speed of light? If you can relate to this, you've probably been told that you have a "lead foot" by your mom, even though you know damn well she's got one, too. (And that's okay!)
2. You aren't at all ashamed of your road rage.
3. You don't understand why out-of-staters don't understand.
Jug handles, U Turns, roundabouts, and "ALL TURNS RIGHT LANE" signs make perfect sense to you. But to your out of state friends, it's like stepping into a whole other universe where all things good and sane (like in Jersey) don't make any sense whatsoever. What is so hard to understand about turning right to go left? It's completely logical to you, and a little bit of that road rage tends to come out when your out-of-state friends can't seem to grasp the simple concept.
4. You fully stand by the stereotypes of drivers from other states.
Pennsylvania drivers are so slow that they basically aren't even moving. Florida drivers are always completely clueless and always somehow end up having to cut across three lanes of traffic to get to their exit. And, as a collective whole, New York drivers just plain suck. (Seriously. After moving to NY for college, I can honestly say my road rage has increased ten-fold, and it's all because of those damn orange license plates.) (This does not exclude drivers with the blue license plates with the city skyline. They suck, too.)
5. You constantly underestimate the time it takes to get somewhere.
When someone asks how far you are from another part of Jersey, your first response is most likely "Like, 15 or 20 minutes," for closer places and "About 45 minutes, an hour," for everything farther away. This isn't because you have no sense of time, it's purely because you drive so fast, you really do get to those places in that amount of time. It's also because every part of Jersey truly is so close to another that it never really takes too long to get to. 6. You're overconfident about your driving abilities.
You're convinced that you're the best driver you know. Everyone else's driving skills pale in comparison to yours. You're better than friggin' Dale Earnhardt AND his son...COMBINED. You are a driving god and every other driver should bow down to your driving greatness. You're constantly offering to drive because being in anyone's passenger seat puts you on edge; you can't stand when you're not the one in control (even though you're convinced you should be). You've also either NEVER been pulled over, or have been pulled over on numerous occasions. There is no in between.Now that I think about it, being a Stereotypical New Jersey Driver is pretty awesome. There's no problem here at all. Keep doin' your thing, guys. We rock.