If there is one thing I wish I could be, it's a lady from the South. I am not trying to be sarcastic or rude, I legitimately wish I could be a Southern belle. See, I am not from the South, but from the Southwest (Arizona) and am currently a transplant to Virginia, but I consider myself a wannabe Southern belle. Here are some things I personally think of as characteristics of a Southern belle.

1. Y'all is a part of your every day conversation.

2. "Bless her heart" is the first thing that comes to mind when you have ill thoughts towards someone. However, we all know manners are important and you would never speak those ill thoughts out loud.

3. Your closet includes Lilly dresses, Southern Proper shirts, and Jack Rogers. If Carrie Bradshaw was from the South, her closet would be heavily inspired by Southern belle style.

4. Never seen without a smile on your face, but no one ever knows what you are truly thinking. Always the mysterious gal, you own it and use it to your advantage.

5. You love your whiskey, college football, and BoJangles (TGFFC: thank god for fried chicken).

6. You are taking the South and the world by storm with a mix of sass and class. All of us wannabe Southern belles admire and respect you for it.

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