Let's face it: Netflix has become a prominent force in video streaming. After all, what more could you ask for? For less than $10 a month (depending on where you live) you have access to a treasure trove of TV series and movies, including original content. For some people, Netflix is a luxury that's convenient for movie nights, but for others, it is basically our entire world. So, how do you know if you're addicted to Netflix? Here are a few tell-tale signs:
1. You can't keep track of all the series you've watched
The list is ridiculously long. Shamefully long. You start to wonder how many hours have fallen victim to Netflix. You begin lamenting the days wasted watching a movie or a TV show when you could've been doing something productive, like homework, or cleaning your room. But don't dwell on it for too long. .
2. You tune in every Wednesday for episode updates
Like clockwork, you open Netflix every Wednesday to watch the latest episodes of your favorite shows. Sure, you could watch those episodes on television but that red and black logo just feels like home.
3. You finish a new series in a few days
As soon as Netflix releases a new series, you start watching. For days you have prepared: all the snacks are made, your laptop is fully charged, and you've told everyone to not disturb your viewing. And so the binge-watching begins, until you've spent hours consuming that sweet, sweet media content.
4. You fly through your queue at light speed
Most people have Netflix queues that collect dust with shows begging to be watched, but not yours. No, your Netflix queue is always depleted because of your binge-watching sessions. Without careful curation, your queue could be finished at any
moment, and you would have to spend hours finding the perfect show to watch next. But you aren't a slacker. You keep your queue well-stocked and ready to go.
5. You recommend new shows to your friends constantly
Every time you watch a new Netflix series, you immediately notify your friends that you
know would love it. You routinely send texts to your best pals at 3AM after a hardcore Netflix sesh, raving about the obscure indie film you found.
6. You have to wait for your friends to catch up
Not only do you love recommending shows and movies to your friends, but you also love discussing those shows and movies. Unfortunately, your pals aren't quite as invested in Netflix a you are. However, like any sane person on this planet, you strictly adhere to the "no spoilers" rule, so you must wait until they finally catch up with you to discuss your fan theories.