As much as we all may like to think that summer consists of adventures, a lot of the time it can not live up to such high expectations, and the summer may resort to staying at home. This is not to be seen in a negative light though, as there is so much that can be accomplished from the comfort of your home, so much to see and learn of the world without going anywhere. There are a few things that can be done to become more cultured and gain perspective in the comfort of your home. Things such things can change an everyday lifestyle by enriching lives with perspective and a passion for the world around us.
1. Netflix is always the answer.
In a world ran by media, Netflix has definitely shown its influence, the need for creative date night ideas are in little demand because of the takeover that Netflix has had. Honestly, I do not believe anyone is really complaining about that. Netflix is awesome. Considering many are already using Netflix as their source for binge-worthy shows and movies, Netflix can be also taken as an opportunity to watch movies that you may not have been previously considered. Netflix is a great way to expand perspective
foreign films -turn on subtitles -pick up on the language and mannerism used2. Food? Yes, food.
There is nothing like a home cooked meal. Days of eating Ramen noodles and Oreos could be behind you for the summer by finding a recipe for a dish that you have never tried before. Getting out of your comfort zone of Milano's and Starbucks will benefit you in the long run. Expand your taste profiles and discover food from across the world that you may now learn to love. From Chinese to Italian dishes, spend time in the kitchen to really get a sense of the lifestyle and routine of a different culture. Tip: Skip the Panda Express and Olive Garden. The fun comes from making a dish from scratch.
3. Learn a language.
Although fresh air is always nice to have, chances are if you are indoors or outdoors in this generation, you will have your phone with you either way. A great tool to use on your phone to aid you in becoming more cultured is Duolingo, an app used to learn a new language! This app gives the impression that the user is playing a game when in reality they are learning from every use. The app can connect with Linkedin and provide information on how fluent you are becoming in a language, which is a win-win for both you and potentially your career.
4. Find things that peak your (Pin)terest.
Pinning has become a sort of stress reliever for many. It's a go-to social media platform to plan out your dream destination to the exotic country of your choice. Keep pinning and maybe one day when you get the opportunity, those dreams might just become reality. Let yourself become immersed in travel and wanderlust, and before you know it, you'll want to travel to that destination.
6. Go online shopping.
Everyone loves shopping, but not everyone loves spending money. Spending money leaves a pain in your heartand wallet, but buying things that truly make an impact in the world will ease that pain. Buying from brands such as Ivory Ella whose profits help to save elephants, or from Tom's, which gives a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased, will help you feel more connected to the world around you and spark change and a willingness to get involved on a larger scale. Caring about issues and the well being of others will make you more knowledgable and cultured, and just think... all you have to do is shop!