For most college students, move in day presents you with a bleak jail cell-like room. Over months, inspiration comes on how to make the space you call home for the next nine months feel like an actual comfortable homey place, but there’s rules and regulations, along with lack of funding that hold you back.
It’s a slow process and by the end of the year you’ve finally got everything perfect…then it’s time to take it down. Keeping in mind that Command Strips are your best friend—seriously, love them, cherish them, never let them go—here’s 6 ideas on how to decorate your prison cell wannabe dorm.
1. Christmas lights
Depending on the type you get (and there’s so many) you could do this for under $15, including the cost of the Command Strips you use to hang them. They also make a perfect place to clip pictures to.
2. Tapestry
Tapestries add color to your bland cinder block walls. Tip: hang lights behind them for a cool, glow-ey effect.
3. Blankets and pillows
Add these to a couch or your bed so you can be cozy all the time. The fuzzier the better!
4. Plants
Succulents are great plants for college kids. They’re low maintenance, small, and hard to kill. Unless your roommate knocks it over twice while you’re out of town for the weekend.
5. Curtains
Great for adding color and hiding things like closets or storage spaces. Also good for hiding the ugly view of the dining hall your room looks into.
6. A Rug
No one wants to step onto a cold, hard floor in the morning. Enough said.