With winter comes the winter blues. This cold weather can get the best of us some times, which actually has a little bit to do with the lack of Vitamin D from the sun. Seasonal depression is a reality that many battle every single day. For everyone who is fighting that fight, here are some uplifting quotes to help you see the bright side of things when you're feeling a little down:
Learn to enjoy the rough times by trying to find the bright side of things. For every bad thing in life, there is always a good aspect of it. Find the good in anything bad you encounter and you will be much happier.
Nothing bad will last forever, even if you want to give up.. don't. You never know how close you might be.
Sometimes darkness is needed for the light to shine on through. Without the darkness, no one would ever know what the light even looks like.
You are stronger than you think, don't ever forget that.
This is the best advice I can ever give to anyone because all though this might be the last thing you want to do when you are feeling down... do it anyways because it will make you feel so much better just to know that you got yourself up when you were down so low. Never give up because when you finally make it to the other side, you get to smile at all the people you proved wrong.
This is SO important because you need to have faith in yourself. A little faith goes a long way.
No one ever said that life wold be easy because it is not. The journey, emotions, experiences, and memories are all worth it.