It's mid-February and you know what that means, 'tis the season for planning where you're going to live next year! The Housing Lottery (also known to some as the Housing Games, the University's version of Russian Roulette, etc.) is truly one of the most stressful event of the Spring Semester. To entertain you while you freak out, here are a few of the students (along with a few tips for said students) that are bound to be gearing up for this year's round of the Housing Games.
1. The freshman who thinks they'll get what they want
This freshman is the most hopeful of the bunch. They, who have never dealt with the terror that is The Housing Lottery, have full hope that they and their five closest friends will, without a doubt, snag a suite in the nicest building, with a full kitchen and singles for everyone. Did I mention that it will also be in the building closest to their classes? While their hope is refreshing, they will be crushed when they are given slot 109 in a lottery of 119. Did I mention there are only 108 suites to choose from? Best course of action for this competitor is to have a backup plan. And then a backup to that backup plan. You never know what can happen in the Housing Lottery, but rest assured, the odds are almost never in your favor. While there is a chance that you could end up with your friends and everything will be perfect, there is a greater chance that things won't go according to plan, so prepare accordingly.
2. The one who forgets to complete their housing form on time
This competitor can be found in any one of the classes at school, but tends to be a freshman who didn’t pay attention to all the signs plastered around them for the two weeks leading up to the lottery. They most likely had other things on their mind or just happened to miss all the reminders from friends, RAs and school emails. Once they realize what they have done, their prospects seem dim since schools are often very serious with their deadlines. Like incredibly serious. After they finish freaking out and imagining their next year sans a housing assignment, the best thing for them to do would be to go directly to student housing and explain their predicament. Often, the people placed in those positions genuinely want to help students. After explaining and probably getting scolded for not paying attention to the deadlines, they will help the student get placed somewhere. Bear in mind, this may be in the worst dorm with a broken heater and the closet door that never closes the right way, but it’s better than nothing.
3. The one who is living in their Sorority/Fraternity
This competitor isn’t even really a competitor in the lottery but nonetheless, still has to enter a lottery of their own. One where they will most likely get what they want (unless there are more people than rooms available). They are the ones that are most likely entering this season without any worries since they are almost guaranteed a room in a building full of their brothers/sisters. Instead of stressing out, like most other collegiates, they are planning out how they are going to swag their dorm out and relishing in the fact that they don’t have to stress out about getting placed with strangers. Lucky them.
4. The one who is going to be an RA
This competitor took themselves out of the game before it even started. They most like really wanted to help out students like themselves or just really wanted the free room. Whatever the reason, this competitor, much like the one mentioned previously, is coasting by this Housing Season. They’ve traded two weeks of uncertainty and craziness for a free room and 30 residents to look after. This competitor will most likely keep their friends going through this process in their prayers while they secretly hope that their future residents aren’t too much to handle.
5. The one who is living off campus
Much like the two above, this competitor isn’t even playing the same game. However, unlike the one living in Greek housing or the soon-to-be RA, this competitor has to deal with a completely different pool. Instead of the housing lottery where they are at least granted somewhere to live if one is willing to live anywhere, they don’t have that security. They have to find an apartment by themselves and must be prepared to pay every month rather than all at once at the beginning of the semester. While this option is often cheaper, it can be very stressful for those who have never lived by themselves or realized what those magical things that pay for your water, light and heating are (Bills. Those are your bills). Regardless, while they aren’t participating in the University Housing Lottery, they’ve got a whole other competition to worry about.
6. The one who has realistic expectations
This competitor is the most prepared out of them all. They’ve most likely been spurned by the lottery in the past but have come back with a vengeance. They’ve already cleared with their group what their plans A-Z are and everyone in their group filled out their housing form together the day it opened. This competitor is likely to be the happiest because they have low expectations and are prepared for all the possibilities. Ironically, they’ll probably get what they want since they have such low standards.
There you have it! These are the six types of people who will be competing (or not depending on their situations) in the housing lottery. Hopefully, no matter which one you are, you end up the place you'll be the happiest. Just remember two things: fill out your housing form on time and everything works out in the end (or you’ll just get used to it).