Every camp counselor knows the truths that I have come to know all too well over the last few years of being employed as a summer camp counselor. It doesn't matter the state or camp, we all can relate to each other on these truths.
1. The Sunburn
Ah yes, the inevitable beginning of the summer sunburn that every camp counselor will endure at any camp they work at. It's called the beginning of the summer sunburn because you know that after the pain of the sunburn subsides, you will still be applying sunscreen religiously so it doesn't happen again.
2. Camp Songs
There are days that once you get home and away from the campers, where you find yourself singing the classic summer camp songs like, "Boom Chicka Boom" or "The Shark Song," while doing every day tasks.
3. Rainy Days
These are the days you dread the most out of any other day at camp. When you wake up in the morning and look at the weather and see "100 percent chance of showers" on the forecast, you know its about to be a long day. These days are nothing but indoor activities like endless amounts of card games and made-up skits that you are your fellow camp counselors are put on the spot to do.
4. Tan Lines
There are the three main types of tan lines that every camp counselor knows all too well. The first tan line is the farmers tan/shorts tan line combo because that is our uniform for the summer. Then comes the swim suit tan lines, and ladies, we all know the one piece swimsuit that leaves us tan everywhere else but our stomach, which leaves us all looking like tan penguins. Lastly, the sock tan line, which the name speaks for itself.
5. The Parent-Counselor Talk
There is always the one camper who caused many problems the entire week at camp, and you have to be the counselor who steps up tells their parent when they are picked up that their child wasn't the "perfect little angel" that they expected them to be. The "parent-counselor talk" is not fun for anyone involved and what every counselor wants to keep as short and sweet as possible.
6. Being A Camp Counselor Is The Best Summer Job Ever
Even though there are days when you want to hit snooze at seven in the morning instead of getting up and singing the morning camp songs, and when all we want to do is avoid the summer heat, we know we have the best summer job there is. Being a camp counselor means we get to have fun all summer, not be stuck inside at any other summer minimum wage job, and enjoy all the summer camp activities we all did as kids.