Cleveland has been the hot spot of the United States as of late. We had the Republican National Convention, won the NBA championship, and we are in the world series. If only the Browns could win one game. Joking aside, people from Cleveland are known to be strong, independant people. Here are six traits every Clevelander has.
1. Forgiving
When Lebron James came back to Cleveland, we welcomed him back with open arms. We could have shunned him away, but we did not. Because we forgave him for leaving us, he and the rest of the Cavaliers brought a trophy home.
2. Musical
People often forget how musical Cleveland is. We coined the term "rock n roll" and we have the hall to prove it. We also have Playhouse Square which holds Broadway shows. We are even getting Hamiltonnext year. Thank you, Cleveland. We are really creative people when given the chance.
3. Careful
We make mistakes, but we always learn from them. It teaches us to be more diligent. I mean, our river did catch on fire. We learned. However, when something new is announced, we always turn a weary eye on it.
4. Proud
About one million people went downtown to the Cavs parade. Even if you are from a suburb of Cleveland, you are proud to call this up-in-coming city your home. I know I am.
5. Beautiful
Our city has come a long way. It is still not perfect, but they have done a lot of shining and polishing to our city.
6. Resilient
"Being able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens and able to return to an original shape after being pulled, stretched, etc." This is the definition of Cleveland. If I had to pick one trait to describe a Clevelander, it would be this one. We have been through so much, and we have come so far. You can make all the Cleveland jokes you want. We can take it.