It's that time of year again for the Eastern Shore. When the air gets muggy, the sun gets brighter and the weather gets hotter. It's when you take a step outside and come back in with a dozen bug bites on your arms and legs. It's the part of the summer we always wish never comes back— mosquito season.
Mosquito season has been none too kind to the rest of the world this year. South America is plagued with Zika virus cases and the U.S. is just starting to see its first domestic cases of Zika in Florida.
While the chances of domestic Zika cases occurring in Maryland are slim. The Eastern Shore is currently experiencing its own mosquito-carried virus, known as Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV). While not given as much coverage as Zika, according to the Center for Disease Control EEEV is one of the most severe mosquito-transmitted diseases in the U.S.
People are now looking around everywhere to find alternative methods to keeping the mosquitos at bay; from the traditional citronella candles to some newer methods like bringing in bat boxes.
And if you're anything like me, you're itching to find ways to keep those irritating bugs off of you. Not wanting to take any chances this year, I've been regularly applying bug repellent to me every time I go outside.
But I have a few problems with most bug repellents. They're smell is so strong that l end up sneezing all day long, the ingredients in them agitate and burn my skin, and the chemicals found in them make me a little uncomfortable to be constantly putting on my body.
This summer I decided to test out some natural remedies to keeping mosquitos and flies away during the muggy summer season. After some test runs I've found some tried and true bug repellents and tricks that'll keep you bite free without all of the harsh chemicals.
1. Lavender oil
Lavender oil is one of the many essential oils that repels mosquitos. You can apply it as a lotion or in a spray bottle. Just make sure that it is somewhat diluted before applying directly to your skin. Such a simple fix to keeping mosquitos away and bonus, you smell amazing.
2. Citronella candles and oil
While a few of us probably already have a few citronella candles perched on our back porch, there's another way you can use citronella. As an essential oil it can also be applied topically to the skin. Just dilute it and either use a spray bottle to cover your skin and clothes or directly rub it into your skin.
3. Burn rosemary during a barbecue.
Fun fact about mosquitoes: there are certain plants that they don't really like—rosemary being one of them! While you're outside having a family barbecue, put some fresh rosemary on the grill while you're cooking. The smoke coming off the rosemary will repel the mosquitos and your food will taste great.
4. Rub a dryer sheet on your clothes and keep it in your pocket
An old-wives tale I've heard countless times. But after I ran out of my bug repellent one day I decided to give it a try. Three hours at a birthday picnic and not a single bite. Just take a sheet from the box and lightly rub it on your skin and clothes, or put a fresh one in your pocket. This came in handy after a day of sweating outside, I smelled like I came right out of the dryer!
Mosquitoes are weak little things; when faced with a slight breeze they can't fight against the wind. Keeping a fan outside is the easiest tip I can offer you.
These tips combined (or even alone) will keep the majority of mosquitoes off of you and your family while you're out in the sun this summer season.