6 Tips To Boost Your Immune System
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6 Tips To Boost Your Immune System

Cold season is upon us, and there's nothing germs like more than dormitory buildings.

6 Tips To Boost Your Immune System

It's February already.

While we're worrying about Valentine cards and football games, our immune system is freaking out about something else.

It is cold season. Clearly I am not just talking about the temperature.

That awkward transition from winter to spring is upon us, and it brings good tidings of scratchy throats, hoarse coughs, running noses and throbbing headaches.

Being holed up in tight quarters, whether it be dormitories or apartment buildings we are inhaling everyone else's saliva and snot-filled air, which doesn't help the situation.

While we all wouldn't mind a nice weekend in, snuggled up in all of our throw blankets, cranking through Netflix seasons, none of us have time to nurse a cold.

We got things to do, places to go and people to see.

So while we wallow in the moist air, slick with someone else's sickness, how can we prevent ourselves from catching that hallway hack?

No worries.

I've got your back.

Here's 6 tips to help you survive the college cold season.

1. Sharing is not caring.

It's great sharing a room with other people. It feels like your own little community, and you feel like you can share everything with your roommate(s).

Well, don't.

It's tempting, in the rush of things, to grab at your friend's towel, pillow, blanket, t-shirt or even water bottle. Don't try and convince yourself that water falling their drink will be fine. Their bacteria has left their personal mark on everything. The less you get into contact with, the better.

2. Don't forget about your sweat.

Feeling beat after that spin class?

It's easy to just collect your things and head out the door with your friends.

But don't forget about the sweat you've left behind on your seat, the handle bars and even the phone holder.

Wiping down your workout area before and after you go at it is a great habit to get into. You'd be surprised how many people forget to clean the machine after their four miles.

Sweat harbors a lot of bacteria, and gets everywhere. It's on your hands, and then suddenly gets on everything your touch; your phone, your jacket, your bag, your water bottle.

3. Don't be afraid to catch an extra hour of shut eye.

Close down Netflix, power out of Xfinity, hide Snapchat and get some sleep.

One of the reasons its so easy for colds and illnesses to run rampant in dormitories is because the average college student doesn't get enough of sleep. When we're tired, so is our immune system.

When a big ol' cold comes knocking, our bodies aren't up to the challenge of taking it down.

This doesn't mean you go and hibernate for the weekend under your covers to catch up on a few lost hours.

You'd be surprised how much improvement one more hour of sleep a day can do.

4. Chug that water!

On average, we need to drink 8-eight ounce glasses of water a day. That's about 4 water bottles.

I bet most of you are going "Well crap."

Don't worry, I need to drink more water too.

But now is the most important time to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out cold-causing bacteria in your body, and keeps your immune system operating at peak efficiency.

5. Fill up on C and D.

Keeping a healthy diet won't only help your upcoming bikini body, but it'll help your immune system fight of bacteria.

Vitamin C and Vitamin D are great cold kickers. You can take these in either vitamin supplements, or in their all natural form; food.

Vitamin C-rich foods include peppers, dark leafy greens, kiwifruit, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes and peas.

Vitamin D-rich foods include dairy products, fish, eggs, spinach, kale and good old sunshine.

Adding a lemon to your tea will do wonders too.

6. Clean, clean, clean, clean!

This cannot be stressed enough.

I know its easy to keep pushing off cleaning your room, but the only thing your harming by doing this is yourself.

Your workout clothes, yoga mat, backpack, coats, shoes and clothes carry more bacteria than you probably want to know. Leaving these things lying around your room, especially in areas where you eat or sleep, is a great way to spread unwanted bacteria around your room.

And when I say clean, I don't mean just sticking your dirty clothes in your laundry bag.

Wash down everything!

Washing down hard surfaces with rubbing alcohol, like tables, desks, fridges and door handles is an awesome habit to get into. Rubbing alcohol is absolutely unstoppable when it comes down to killing germs and bacteria.

Wash your sheets, blankets, and pillow covers at least twice a week. You don't want to got to sleep, lying in a sea of bacteria.


Giving your floor a quick once over with a Swifter wet jet or vacuum is important too. Your floor has been stepped on with shower shoes, gym sneakers, snow boots and everything in between. Remember that next time you want to reassure yourself with the 5-second rule.


Taken Cold: http://www.ranker.com/list/things-everyone-goes-th...

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