If you are like me, then studying for finals week at the last minute is not something new. For some strange reason you find yourself in the same position every year, despite telling yourself this time would be different. Nonetheless, you have to find a way to cram a semester’s worth of lessons within a few days. Ergo, I decided to suggest a couple of tricks I picked up over the years to share with those who are in the same boat as me.
1. Get rid of all distractions.
First things first; before you even attempt to crack open your notebook, make sure there are no distractions around you. Put your phone on silent or completely turn it off. Find somewhere quiet to study like library or your basement. You can put on music but make sure the volume is on low and the music is relaxing.
2. Study with a group or alone.
You should know what studying tactics are best for you. Some people find it more efficient studying by themselves. Then there are those who choose to study in groups because they have a hard time staying focused when they study alone. Either one is fine as long as work is getting done. For those who choose study groups, each person should have a clear understanding of at least one of the subjects. That way when someone is having trouble, there is someone there who can help. You should also have little competitions with each other to make it a little more interesting.
3. Start with the harder subjects first.
When I study for tests, especially at the last minute, I always start with my tougher subjects first because it will take more time for me to digest the information. I also choose what to study for based on what exam I am taking first. For example, if my first exam is on Tuesday and the first test I take is in math and the next one is in music, I would study for math before I study for music.
4. Get enough sleep.
The last thing you want to do is go into your exam tired. So the best thing to do is get enough sleep the night before. However, you do not want to oversleep. Instead, you want to stay in the 90-minute sleep cycle. Trust me when I say that this actually works. If you don’t believe me, try sleeping for four verses three hours and see how sleepy you will be.
5. Be confident.
Whenever I take a exam, I make sure I come in with a positive mindset. It does not matter if you only eight hours to study six different subjects. To have a negative attitude that you are going to fail before you even take the test does not help. It just makes it worse and causes unnecessary stress, which then makes you forget the stuff that you do know. So just take a deep breath and believe that you will get at least get a passing grade.
6. Last but not least: pray!
You are going to need all the help you can get, so it won't hurt to call on a little assistance from the higher power. It also wouldn't hurt to bring a few extra good luck charms to boost your fortune.
Best of luck and may the grade be forever in your favor!