After completing my first year of college and now taking the time to look back on how I got to where I am today, I can't say I have any regrets. I don't regret anything that's happened in my life so far, or any of the choices I've made, because without what has happened in my past, my life couldn't possibly be what it is today. Even though if given the chance, I wouldn't change a thing, I would definitely give my high school self some advice to keep in mind along the way.
1. High school doesn't matter after high school.
What happens in high school, stays in high school. Chances are, whether you go off to college or start working full time after graduation, you won't see many people you went to high school with. Everyone you meet after high school won't know or care about everything that happened during those four years.
2. It gets easier.
Junior and senior year of high school comes with a lot of preparation for the future. Deciding where you want to go to school, how far you want to be from home, and what career you want to have some day, can all be super overwhelming. Take your time and figure it out as you go!
3. Friends come and go.
Some friendships from high school may last, but others may come to an end. After graduation, sometimes people just seem to go in different directions. You'll make new friends and you won't even be able to imagine what you did before you met them.
4. True friendships always last.
Friendships do come and go, but the best friendships will always stay. Sometimes distance and time can be hard on friendships, but true best friends will make it through the ups and downs. Keep in mind that these friends will be there no matter what.
5. Schoolwork isn't as hard as they make it seem.
All through high school teachers will tell you that they're just preparing you for college because the workload is so much more. Either they did an excellent job over-preparing me or they were wrong. College work is really not that much more difficult than the work load in high school. As long as you follow the directions and manage your time to get everything done, it's pretty easy!
6. Make your experiences about YOU.
The best part about college is that it is the beginning of the rest of your life! All the classes you take, the major you choose, and the activities you take part in are all up to you. You get to decide how you spend these years in school and how they will have an impact on your future. Sometimes, you'll have no idea what you really want to do, but always stay excited that everything you're doing and learning will help you some day later on in life. Even in high school when you're still deciding where you want to go and what you want to do, make the decision for what's best for you.
No matter what happens in high school and no matter what choices you make, do everything to make yourself happy and to give yourself a better future.