Everyone who knows me knows that I pretty much came out of the womb anxious. I stress about school, work, the future, if my favorite character will see the next season of Grey's (they never do).
And with school right around the corner, I'll have five new classes to stress about, and so will all my fellow students. But fear not. After many years of hearing my mother say, "Taylor, relax" I've learned some pretty solid ways of getting myself to do just that, if only for a little while.
1. Read a Book
Whether you choose to reread Harry Potter for the umpteenth time or another one of your favorites, it's a good way to get out of your head and into another world for a while.
2. Watch a TV Show or Movie
Along the same lines as reading a book, binging a show on Netflix or watching your favorite movie is a great way to forget whatever it is you're stressing about. My go to is Law and Order: SVU, it's not exactly a relaxing show, but it's my favorite and almost always on.
3. Write
Write about what stressing you out or make up a story (or join The Odyssey!!). It can be a great way of working through your problems and you get to create art in the process.
4. Bake Cupcakes
Baking is a hobby I picked up recently. I love to try things I see on Pinterest. Not having to think and just following the recipe gets you to focus on something, plus eating the cupcakes afterward doesn't hurt. I've been dying to this Butterbeer cupcake recipe!
5. Exercise
This is one of my less tested methods, but from what I've heard hitting the gym or going for a run relieves stress.
6. Take a Nap
This is a very temporary solution. Your problems will still be there when you wake up, but at least you'll be well rested.