Steve Carrell's portrayal of Michael Scott is probably relatable to everyone at some point in life. Michael Scott can be extremely relatable to college students--here are some of my favorite moments when he was on the same wavelength as us.
1. When a professor says that he would give your answer 3 points out of 20 because it wasn't "in-depth" enough.
2. When you get a question on an exam that you know the answer to, but you blank out.
3. Not being able to find an answer to a homework question (especially when it was in the reading right in front of your face).
4. When you think you have a weekend to relax, but a professor decides to give a paper or a huge chunk of reading.
5. Financials as a college student. Period. End of story.
6. When all the stress finally gets to you.
In conclusion, as Michael Scott himself said, "Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter... Where. Or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or... or where you've been. Ever. For any reason whatsoever."