"We're weirdos, but that's who we are. And that's fine."
-Jessica Day
Zooey Deschanel has always been a fan favorite, no matter what she's starring in. She makes for an adorable and quirky lead. We're constantly amazed at how funny she is. How can someone so beautiful be so funny? It's just not fair. Despite her ability to have, well, every positive characteristic ever, However, her character, Jessica Day, rivals our own weirdness all the time. And for this, we love her even more.
Let's not start small. Jess is a funny gal, but she can be deep too. Like us, Jess has a tendency for dramatics. Whenever something goes wrong in our love lives, many of us jump to this conclusion. Actually, I'm positive we've all thought it at some point. So, thanks Jess for showing us that it's okay to not be completely sure of yourself all of the time. Solidarity, sisters.
Don't even get us started on our girl power. Jess gets it. Even when she's being a little sarcastic, she still always fights for what she wants. Feisty Jess gets two thumbs up from me, for sure. Even if feminist rants aren't you thing, take notes, ladies.
Okay, maybe not exactly this one, but we all question our taste every now and again. Jess is a little insecure, but that's okay because, hey, isn't everybody? Part of what makes her so endearing and relatable is that she questions who she is and what she's doing, now and again, just as we do.
What is this, other than every time you're with your friends? So what? When we get together with our friends, we laugh a little louder than everyone else. Maybe, that's a good thing. Wait, definitely that's a good thing. Like us, Jess knows that there's nothing better than getting a little too wild with our buddies. And hey, you've gotta learn to laugh about it.
Come on, if this isn't you, it's your roommate, or your best friend.
Need I say more? This picture is the biggest because it's undoubtedly the most important of all. Sometimes all a girl needs is some good T. Swift. Correction: All a girl needs is some good T. Swift. Or just T. Swift because face it, it's all good. We'd be lying if we said we'd never experienced this moment, this feeling, exactly.