Summatime. I don't practice santeria, I ain't got no crytsal ball.
We all know that vine right? It pops up around May and lasts for then entire of Summer. What else lasts the entireity of the season? Beach days! From coast to coast, North to South, lake to ocean to river, there is always going to be a sort of beach day.
1. It's so relaxing!
Yes, the crashing of the waves, the birds chirping, feet a bouncing. You're at peace after a long week.
2. We should do a bonfire here!
S'mores? Yes please. Smell like fire for the next week? Absolutely. Scary stories while the waves are crashing in the distance? Yes. Drinks and fun? YEP. Drink up mahoteys, yo-ho!
3. Sand is everywhere, EVERYWHERE.
On your body, on the towels, blankets, in your food. Yep, that is sand that you are chewing!
4. It's suddenly very hot.
It feels like the world is on fire, your body is warm, your phone is overheating. It's hot, hot hot. (Make sure to keep hydrating yourself!) Dear Sun, please make me tan, but also be kind to my skin.
5. I feel like I'm drowning
GiphyThe waves, looks so nice from far, but once they keep crashing on you, it is OVER. Surfing? Sure, it's fun, but once you fall off and you can't get out of a current, RIP.
6. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.
Sunburns are real. VERY real. Please take care of your skin. Wear sunscreen, it'll protect you for later in life from cancers and skin sickness'.
There is not really a moment where you can become Ariel. Everything is just against you. Mother Nature we love you to pieces but please be a little more kinder to us during our beach days.
Yes, the beach is amazing and I miss it.