The Summer Olympics come around every four years, and every four years they are much more inspiring and entertaining than whatever political debacle is currently happening. As I watch from my college apartment I cant help but think a few things about whats going down in Rio.
1. Simone Biles is a queen.
Just watching her is inspiring. She is so disciplined and handles herself with grace, yet is only 19 year old! Plus, just look at her! How do you do it queen Simone?
2. I should work out more...
Because they don't look like this from staying out till 2am and ordering pizza every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
3. Maybe I should try harder.
These athletes have dedicated themselves and trained hard for years to get where they are today. Maybe if I didn't sit in my pajamas till noon watching them on TV I could achieve something great too.
Laurie Hernandez and Sydney McLaughlin are only 16.
4. How is this possible?
This is Sopita Tanasan of Thailand. She is 105 pounds and holding 441 pounds over her head.
5. I wonder how this feels?
Looks like it feels pretty darn good!
6. My heart is broken
Serena might not be gold in Rio, but she's still gold in our hearts.