Well, it's here. Finals season is finally upon us. Within the next few weeks culminating assignments will be submitted for grading, sleep will become even more sparse, and you will hear each of the following things multiple times each day (either from yourself or the people around you):
1. "It's November already?"
With the never ending deadlines and due dates, the days seem to have slipped by without me even realizing an entire month has gone by. Time has betrayed me and those projects that I had three weeks to work on are now a day late.
2. "I need to make a game plan."
Okay. I have two tests to study for, a 10 page paper due this Friday, and a presentation to complete and present. I probably won't actually follow this outline on account of my spontaneous napping and netflix binge sessions, but at least it looks like I know what I'm doing.
3. "I can do this!"
A little blind and possibly naive optimism never hurt anyone!
4. "My bed looks so comfortable."
Okay, if I nap now for 20 minutes, I can wake up feeling energized and ready to take on all of the work I need to do. Only 20 minutes though, I'll definitely set an alarm.
5. "My grades do not define me. My grades do NOT define me."
Okay, well I just got my mark back from that exam I thought I did really well on. Didn't do as well as I thought I would. This is a small stepping stone on my path to success. I am strong and independent. I will not be defined by the— who am I kidding, this is terrible.
6. "Well, my plane tickets are booked."
Because let's face it, the small Greek farming village of Fiscardo is looking a lot better than the four finals I'm about to write (and probably fail). I will live a full and happy life off of the land, away from civilization.