From genius to absurd, you would never believe the plethora of random objects that can be found on the Internet!
Here are six of my favorite finds that have definitely made it onto my Christmas and birthday wish list. Beware! Once you get through this article you won’t be satisfied until these nifty knick knacks find their way into your home.
1. Pencil Printer. This invention is bound to revolutionize the office space. At the very least, it will transform the printer cartridge industry. It's the biggest thing since the pencil was invented. The Pencil Printer uses all of those little
pencil stubs that nobody wants to write with to print your documents. Gone are the days when you had to spend a
small fortune on printer cartridge to print our your papers each quarter. Now, all you need to get through the quarter is a good, old fashioned pencil. You know, the kind they give out for free at
the activities fair! Another bonus: this
innovative printer not only saves on ink, but also saves paper. We’ve all felt the guilt of accidental
duplicate printing, but with the Pencil Printer you can run the extra pages
through the eraser end of the printer and come out with a blank slate, ready to
be reused.
2. Mason jar accessories. Now that mason jars are all
the rage, it’s about time someone started capitalizing on the mason jar
accessory market that is bound to blow up. Wait, somebody did! Just because
you’ve gone full hipster and have decided to drink all of your beverages out of
a mason jar, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it in style! Introducing: the Original Cuppow Lid! Sold online at ( You can order a two-pack of these convenient lids to fit almost any mason jar,
making your counter-culture coffee consumption a breeze. Don’t dally. Hurry up and jump on this bandwagon before it
gets cool!
3. Soap tablets. Calling all germaphobes! This new product is
just for you! Never shirk away from a
dirty bathroom again, or cringe at the sight of empty soap dispensers. Now you can carry your own packages of soap
tablets with you wherever you go. Perfect for road trips, airplanes or for when you're stranded on a desert island,
this just might be my favorite invention of the bunch!
4. Amazing toaster. This next invention gives a whole new meaning
to the age-old idiom, “made with love.” This fantastic new toaster, dubbed the “Honey I Left It On The Toast”
toaster, toasts a hand written message on each side of your bread. Why leave your loved one a note with breakfast when you can leave the note on their breakfast. I can’t think of anything more motivating
than eating away your to-do list. This product from Yanko Designs truly lives
by its motto, placing “form beyond function!”
5. AB-Hancer. With summer right around the corner, the
madness to shed that winter cushion and get into poolside shape is back again,
and more pressing than ever. Luckily,
I’ve found the perfect product to lend a helping hand and get you in ab-tastic
shape just in time to rock your bathing-suit bod! Get a six-pack in mere seconds with the AB-Hancer. Perfect to use while doing
just about anything, you can define your tummy straight from the
couch. What the heck, you could probably
be eating a burger while you do it!
6. For your nails. This next one is for all of my sisters who
have faced the unique struggle of doing just about anything with wet
nails! There’s absolutely nothing worse
than the helpless feeling of panic that accompanies wet nails, but this
ingenious product protects your paws from getting smudged, allowing you to dry
your nails on the go! These Nails In Motion Tip Tops allow us to be the productive women that society needs us to be, even after
getting a fierce mani!